Sc Medical Technologies World Srl importa si distribuie in tara produse de tipul consumabilelor medicale, echipamentelor de protectie sau intretinere personala, prin prestigioasa companie Romed- Olanda (Van Oostveen Medical B.V.) si prin HEMC- India.

Compania noastra este specializata pe importul materialelor pentru cardiologie interventionala, iar firmele colaboratoare sunt: Demax, KDL, Anntom, produsele fiind Indeflatoare, Arcuri Ghid, Seturi Introducatoare etc

Calitatea serviciilor noastre este confirmata atat prin contractele pe care le avem cu Institutiile si Spitalele din Romania (sectorul Public si Privat de Sanatate), cat si prin faptul ca am reusit sa introducem pe piata o calitate superioara a consumabilelor medicale, comercializate in farmacii sau pentru uz personal.


Sc Medical Technologies World Srl imports and distributes in Romania products such as medical consumables, protective equipment and personal maintenance, through the prestigious company Romed-Netherlands (Van Oostveen Medical B.V.) and through HEMC-India.


Our company specializes in the import of materials for interventional cardiology, and the collaborating companies are: Demax, KDL, Anntom, the products being Inflators, Guide Springs, Introductory Sets, etc.


The quality of our services is confirmed both by the contracts we have with Romanian Institutions and Hospitals (Public and Private Health Sector), and by the fact that we have managed to introduce on the market a superior quality of medical consumables, sold in pharmacies or for personal use.

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